Naval Base Shacks to Kwinana Beach - no access
Not Part of the Perth-Peel Coastal Walk Trail
The length of this section of beach is 6.5 km, but is not included in the Perth-Peel Coastal Walk Trail for several very important reasons.
First, the beach fronts some significant and dangerous heavy industries. There are real risks to human health and safety in walking this beach, and the industries actively discourage people using the beaches here.
Second, whilst it is possible to walk from the shacks south along a road (Plate 1) and then on to the beach (Plate 2), once the road ends, there is no other public access to any of the beach until Kwinana Beach. The industries have blocked access to the beaches.
Plate 1: The road from the Naval Base Shacks south towards the industries and a small boat launching ramp (see Plate 2)
Plate 2: The beach south of Naval Base shacks and the small boat launching ramp
Third, there are at least 2 physical barriers preventing anyone actually completing the walk. As you can see in Plate 2, it is possible to walk south along the beach and you will reach the Alcoa jetty. Plate 3 shows the view south of the jetty and you will notice another two jetty-like structures.
These are cooling water intakes and it is not possible to go under them or over them. It is not possible to go around then either as this is on industry land and public access is not allowed.
Plate 3: The Beach south of the Alcoa jetty showing the impassable water cooling intakes in the distance
There is a similar barrier on the southern end too. It is possible to walk north along a short beach from Kwinana beach (Plate 4) but there is another impassable jetty at the end of that beach (Plate 5). A property fence prevents anyone walking around the jetty (visible in Plate 5).
Plate 4: The beach north of Kwinana beach looking north with the impassable jetty in the distance
Plate 5: Close up of the jetty showing the gates underneath the jetty blocking further access and the property fence prevent access around it.
Finally, even if you could walk the length of the beach, there is no coastal path and it is 6.5km of beach walking and climbing, over jetties, groynes and sea walls. This, and the noisy smelly industries would make it a very unpleasant walk.
Garry Middle, August 2017